In NBA 2K22, the crib serves as a central location for courts, quests, and networking. The penthouse has an open floorplan with windows that 2k22 mt allow you to see the City as well as plenty of costly furniture. Along with the penthouse there are two other benefits that are a part of earning MVP of the City. The winners will also get 10,000 VC and can also get the zipline. The zipline is able to move quickly from the penthouse to the City.
New-gen console players can enjoy the penthouse apartment is one of three rewards that can be earned by accumulating 1,500,000 MVP point. Doing so requires completing various missions in the City as well as throughout the MyCareer mode. The number of MVP points awarded for each challenge is dependent on the category that the quest is in and the difficulty of finishing it. NBA 2K22 also awards players 10,000 VC and a zipline for successful completion of the MVP part of the City challenge.
The new features, playable zones, and game mechanics of NBA 2k22 give players numerous enjoyable gameplay options. There are a few differences between the current and next-gen editions of the game, the most significant being the inclusion of cheap mt nba 2k22 the City for the newer consoles. For those with older gaming systems, they will be in the Neighborhood as well as on the Cancha Del Mar Cruise Ship instead of roaming around the City.